The Bubble Gate Garden (also known as Fitzalan Street Open Space or the Doorstep Green) is owned by Lambeth council and is a public open space. All are free to visit, and it is used extensively by the local community, particularly by families on evenings and weekends.
A Community Garden
Roots and Shoots has managed and cultivated the Bubble Gate Garden on behalf of Lambeth Council since 2000. Our students, teachers and the local community collaboratively transformed the space from a derelict brownfield site filled with rubble and covered in turf, into a thriving community garden.
Read more about the History of the Bubble Gate GardenIt has now been developed into a working garden for learning, biodiversity and the local community. The Bubble Gate Garden has been designated by the London Wildlife Trust as a Borough Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.

The Bubble Gate Garden now features a horticultural training area, which Study Programme students use to practise practical gardening skills including planting, digging, raking, mulching and weeding. A large flower border has been divided into several spaces to allow the students ownership of a small area, and create a garden for the benefit of the community. Our students often go on to garden in the local community, using the skills they developed in the Bubble Gate Garden.
In 2024 our Horticulture students won some awards for their work in Bubble Gate Garden.