The Pre-Supported Internship (Pre-SI) is a flexible, practical, path-to-work programme lasting up to one year, for young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) seeking to bridge the gap between education and employment, achieve their potential, and move towards a part or full time voluntary or paid job.
The Pre-SI programme is an opportunity to gain practical experience in a broad range of industries, with a focus on finding employment aligned with each student's passions, skills and aspirations.
The Pre-SI is suitable both for students graduating from our Study Programme and young people who are new to Roots and Shoots who have already completed qualifications and work experience elsewhere. This course focuses on work experience, building relevant skills, and provides intensive job coaching support.

Pre-Supported Internships include extensive work experience at Roots and Shoots, and with a variety of trusted organisations in the local community. This work experience takes young people out of the classroom and exposes them to real working pressures, helping our students develop practical skills and confidence to progress into paid employment or work-related training such as a Traineeship or Apprenticeship.
Onsite at Roots and Shoots, we have a range of employment opportunities which help develop our student's confidence and skills in a very supportive environment. These onsite opportunities are centred around our specialisms of:
HorticultureStudents gain experience working in our gardens and at our Rosendale allotment, and later go on to community and private gardens, as well as public spaces like Hyde Park. | CateringStudents gain experience working in our onsite kitchen helping our chefs to prepare food for Venue Hire clients, and later in a variety of local cafes and restaurants. | Customer ServiceStudents gain experience working in the onsite work placements, in The Roots and Shoots Shop, working with customers and later in the local area at a range of retailers. |
We focus on finding our Pre-Supported Intern a range of external placements which suit their passions, interests and aspirations. As well as our specialisms of horticulture, catering and customer service, we provide opportunities in industries including hospitality, floristry, transport, IT, construction and more.
We are proud to provide:
Careers information, advice and guidance, with one-to-one job coaching for all
A purpose-built site in Kennington with a wide range of work placement possibilities available
A variety of work placements across the local community
Personalised one-to-one support, and peer support
Holistic support for students and their families
We are members of BASE, (The British Association of Supported Employment), who provide some useful guidance on Supported Internships here.
For more information about our Pre-Supported Internship programme, contact us.