Our students have different needs which means that despite their many talents, without support it can be harder for them to get into employment. That’s why we partner with local employers who offer high-quality work placements. Alongside information, advice and guidance from our careers team, work placements provide our students with an important stepping stone to employment, and help to develop their confidence, skills and experience of working life.
Employer Portal Work Placement Attendance Register for Current Employers
Are you an employer with a great opportunity for our young people?
Consider partnering with Roots and Shoots!
Our employer partners have the potential to make a real change in our students’ lives and create meaningful connections across communities. We foster long-lasting relationships with those who share our ethos, provide high-quality opportunities and who recognise our student’s talents and the benefits of workforce diversity.
What we Offer
Job matching - We match each student’s skills and aspirations with employers who we think will be a great fit, so everyone benefits from the placement.
Tailored support - Our specialist team will support you to understand and accommodate each student’s needs, so your business can benefit fully from the skills they have to offer.
Flexibility - Whether you can offer a few sessions or a sustained placement, we’ll work with you to find something that suits everyone.

Benefits for Employers
The Careers Team at Roots and Shoots provides tailored advice, guidance and facilitates opportunities with both students and employer partners alike, to empower all to reach their full potential and thrive in work.
Welcome an enthusiastic new member into your team, practically contributing to your work force and raising awareness of people with additional needs.
Make a real positive impact on a young person’s life, helping them to develop their potential, gain new skills and confidence in their abilities.
Be part of the movement to create a more inclusive community, supporting diversity in the workforce.